Sacraments are outward and visible signs of inward and spiritual grace: this means that we use the physical things of everyday life in our worship to convey deeper, spiritual truths. Water, bread, wine and oil are transformed by God into the means by which we receive his help to live our lives as Christians.
This is the Sacrament by which people are made members of the Church. Whether they be young or old, all are invited to come to Jesus Christ and share in the life of his Church. By the outward sign of the pouring of water, those who are baptized become members of the Church, which is Christ’s visible Body on earth. If you would like to talk about having your child baptized, or being baptized yourself, please get in touch.
Mass, or the Eucharist, is the sacrament that is celebrated most frequently – every day at St Benet Fink Tottenham. In it, we believe that Jesus gives himself to us under the forms of bread and wine, which become his Body and Blood. This is the principal act of worship for all Christians, and is the means by which we are drawn more closely into our relationship with God and with one another as members of the Church.
This is the Sacrament by which a baptized Christian makes their own profession of faith in God – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit – and commits to following Jesus Christ throughout their lives. By the outward signs of the laying on of hands and anointing with holy oil, the Bishop prays that the Holy Spirit will strengthen those who are being Confirmed, so that they may be faithful to their promise to follow Christ all the days of their lives. If you are thinking of being Confirmed, please get in touch.
The celebration of love is one of the greatest joys of family life. Marriage is the Sacrament by which a man and a woman are joined together, in the presence of God, in faithfulness and love. By the outward signs of joining hands and giving and receiving rings, the couple are joined together in lifelong commitment to one another. If you would like to explore the possibility of getting married at St Benet Fink Tottenham, please get in touch or visit to find out more
When someone is sick or in hospital, the Church is able to offer them comfort and support in their illness. In the Sacrament of Anointing the sick person is prayed for and anointed with holy oil by the Priest, and God’s blessing is invoked upon them, so that they may be raised up from sickness to health, and may take their place in the worshipping community once more. The Sacrament of Anointing is available to those who are seriously ill, those about to undergo surgery, and those who are approaching the end of their earthly lives. Please let Fr James know of all those who are ill and housebound, so that he can visit them and offer the Sacraments of Holy Communion and Anointing.
There are times in our lives when we are acutely conscious of things that we have done wrong, and that we are special need of God’s forgiveness. In the Sacrament of Reconciliation we are able to unburden our consciences in the presence of a Priest, and through his ministry receive God’s absolution and forgiveness of our sins. There are regular opportunities to make your Confession at St Benet’s. If you would like to arrange a time, please speak to Fr James, or come at one of the times advertised.
Fr James is also available to speak to in confidence about any matter, and he is happy to do this in church or in your own home – wherever you feel most comfortable. Please contact him if you would like to arrange an opportunity to speak to him privately.
One of the hardest moments in all of our lives is when someone we love dies. Whatever the circumstances of their death, we all need the opportunity to express our grief, sorrow and love for the person who has died. In a Christian funeral, we give thanks for that person’s life, we pray for one another in our grief, and we pray for the soul of the person who has died, that God will keep them in his loving care and bring them into eternal life. If you would like the funeral of one of your loved ones or friends to take place at St Benet Fink, you need to tell the Funeral Director that this is your wish at your first meeting. They will then contact Fr James to make the initial arrangements, and then he will contact you to plan the details of the funeral.
Many people think that if they don’t attend a church regularly or at all, they have to have a funeral service conducted by a civil celebrant. This is not true: anyone and everyone in England is entitled to have their funeral service conducted by a Church of England priest, regardless of whether or not they have any connection with the Church. This is one of the services the Church of England, as the Established Church, offers to everybody. Funeral services can be held in your parish church, at the crematorium or the graveside. In planning the funeral service, the priest will always listen to your wishes, and those of your family. Yes, prayers and ‘religious content’ will be part of the service: this is because a Christian funeral expresses what we believe about God and our hope of the life he offers us after we have died. We also offer appropriate pastoral support for those who are bereaved. Good Funeral Directors have an excellent relationship with churches and clergy, and work with them to give you the best support and service possible. Don’t be afraid to ask them to arrange for your Parish Priest/Vicar to take your own funeral and those of your loved ones.
If you would like to find out more about the types of funeral services that are available, please get in touch.